Friday, January 20, 2023

From Folk Tales to Digitales

The main focus of our project will be on folktales and fairytales which tell us lots of things about our values, culture and traditions.

´  The type of literature in which the extraordinary events of the extraordinary heroes are told without specifying a specific place and time is called a fairy tale.

´   Tales are a product of oral literature, which is composed by being told in the folk language. They are subsequently transcribed by an author or compiler.

´  There is usually a nursery rhyme at the entrance of the tales. Since the tales are educational texts that appeal to children in particular, they have an easy-to-understand and fluent narrative. The type of literature in which the extraordinary events of the extraordinary heroes are told without specifying a specific place and time is called a fairy tale.



From Folk Tales to Digitales

The main focus of our project will be on folktales and fairytales which tell us lots of things about our values, culture and traditions. ´  ...